Response to September 11th article by

     According to the article about September 11th, it was one of the disastrous thing that happened in the beginning of the 21st century. One of the most surprising thing that I realized as I read this article was that it kept mentioning the number of people who died because of the four planes. It also showed what kind of people who died. Even the police and firefighters who supported the building passed away. The group that planned this plane hijack was from Saudi Arabia. Even though they knew that they will lose their lives because they hijacked a plane, they still decided to take an action.
     I have seen plenty of information about the terrorists that planned for the hijack, or the Al-Qaedas. It seemed like some of the terrorists had a feud toward the United States by the fact that they were taking commercial flight lessons to be ready for this act. When this tragedy happened, I was not yet born but this topic comes up every year as the date gets closer to September 11th which makes us think that we must never forget and never make the same thing to happen again.


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