Exciting thing from this summer

     This summer, I went to Universal Studios with my sister. I've been to the one in Los Angeles so this was my second time going to Universal Studios. I went there by plane and some trains. I knew it would be my exciting trip because it was only me and my sister. We woke up early in the morning so that people don't rush in to the rides. It took us about twenty minutes from our hotel by train to get there. The first thing we did as soon as we get there was to ride on one of the rides from Harry Potter. We sat on a seat with an escalator and had to wear the 3D glasses. It was thrilling since most of the rooms we got in had something to do with 3D art. We also went to Jurassic Park. My sister thought that it would be something childish because we got in after 30 minutes but it wasn't as bad as I thought. I liked how the ride got slower as we go up toward the water fall. When it reached to the top, the ride got faster and faster and we got most of the water in that area. We had to wipe ourselves completely right after we got out. It wish I could go there again.


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